Monday, July 28, 2008

Holy Cow

I made this little animation 6 months ago. I like cows. And the colour green. And everything to do with moving drawings. This was my first animation ever, so please overlook the glitches!


The Wanderer said...

Dear Mimansa,

It's indeed a pleasure to see your creativeness on the Web for all the world to view - I was bowled over by the drawings, photos and animation.

I especially liked the photo of the Shadows and Lines cast by a bicycle and your interpretation of it - it does quite make the ordinary extraordinary :-).

And the animation was GREAT! I can hardly describe the feelings that flowed through me when I saw your name at the end of the script as the "Director" while also admiring the post-script you'd added: that the end of the animation was only the end of the first beginning that you'd made.

May your forays into all forms of art culminate in unparalleled and unrivalled success.

tim said...

My friend aneyas independently, it seems, came up with the same idea of 'holy cow'. check out some of his sketches here:

HOLY COW said...

About the video :
You definitely have a good sense of colour and composition. The whole video comes out very true to its meaning. I hope you haven't given up on your Holy Cow concept ...I am looking forward to it..

PS : sweet score on the soundtrack !!!

ohh thank you for the comment..and thanks to you ill be updating my blog..ill keep you posted :)

HOLY COW said...

This just in...I did an update on my drop by when you have the time. Thank you.

Thats one scary Profile photo !

Sliver said...

hey - i like it! its better than the usual pretty girl with some photoshopped stuff done on it :O)

will take a look at your blog.

HOLY COW said...

True...and i think it is crazy how sometimes one cannot distinguish from a photoshop'd pic and a normal photo..

Anyhow that profile pic its cool but brings out the inner poop in my pants if i saw that in dark alley...just kidding

Catch you later...

blue flowers said...

I love cows and i love what you've done with them!